Your Questions About Yakult

Do you have a specific question you need an answer to? View our frequently asked questions (FAQ) here!

When and how often should I drink Yakult?

Whenever you like! Many people have theirs at breakfast time as part of their daily routine, but it’s really up to you!

What is the difference between Yakult Original, Yakult Balance and Yakult Plus?

Yakult Original (red top), Yakult Balance (blue top) and Yakult Plus (green top). They all contain the same number of our unique bacteria; however, Yakult Balance is enriched with vitamins D & E, Yakult Plus is rich in vitamin C and contains fibre - both contain less sugar and fewer calories.

Why does Yakult contain sugar?

Each bottle of Yakult Original contains 8.8g of sugar, a bottle of Yakult Balance contains 2.9g and a bottle of Yakult Plus contains 2.7g of sugar. Sugar plays an important role in production with our unique bacteria using it as part of the fermentation process.

Is Yakult suitable for people taking antibiotics?

Yes, however, certain antibiotics can affect the survival of our bacteria (L. casei Shirota) within Yakult. Therefore, we recommend leaving at least two hours before and after taking antibiotics before drinking Yakult.

What does Yakult do?

Yakult contains a unique strain of bacteria that is scientifically proven to reach the gut alive and increase the bacteria in the gut. There are billions of these bacteria in every little bottle. Yakult products are supported by over 80 years of research.

When and how often should I drink Yakult?

Whenever you like! Many people have theirs at breakfast time as part of their daily routine, but it’s really up to you!

What's in a bottle of Yakult original?

Yakult Original contains: water, skimmed milk (reconstituted), glucose-fructose syrup, sugar, maltodextrin, flavourings and L. casei Shirota.  

What's Yakult Balance?

Yakult Balance contains 20 billion of our unique bacteria and is enriched with vitamins D & E! Vitamin D supports the maintenance of normal bones and muscle function, as well as the normal function of the immune system, whilst vitamin E contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress.  

Can Yakult be frozen?

You can freeze Yakult but we don’t recommend it as cold temperatures can affect the bacteria. If frozen, it’s best to defrost Yakult slowly and drink it within a week.

Where can I buy Yakult?

You can find Yakult (usually in the yoghurt aisle) in all major supermarkets. In the UK, try your local Tesco, Asda, Sainsbury’s, Morrisons, Waitrose, Ocado or local independent supermarket. You can also have Yakult delivered straight to your door by your milkman! Ireland: Yakult is available nationwide in Tesco, Dunnes, and Super Valu, The Joyce Shops, Galway and Nolans Vernon Avenue in Dublin.

How is Yakult made?

There are a few key elements required to make one of our little bottles: a complex production process involving Yakult’s unique bacteria and high quality ingredients is conducted under strict quality control. It takes nearly a week of fermentation to make a bottle of Yakult. We guarantee a minimum of 20 billion  L. casei Shirota bacteria, in every little bottle. Find out more

How should I store Yakult?

Yakult should be kept refrigerated to help protect our unique bacteria! It’s fine if the bottles are out of the fridge for short periods of time e.g whilst shopping, but treat it as you would any fresh milk product.    

What is the difference between the red, blue and green top?

Yakult Original (red top) and Yakult Balance (blue top) and Yakult Plus (green top). They all contain the same number of our unique bacteria; however, Yakult Balance is enriched with vitamins D & E. Yakult Plus is rich in vitamin C and contains fibre. Yakult Balance and Yakult Plus contains less sugar and fewer calories than Yakult Original.

What is Yakult?

Yakult is a fermented milk drink first developed in 1935 by Japanese scientist, Dr Shirota. Today, it is available in over 40 countries and regions worldwide. Each little bottle contains billions of our unique strain of lactic acid bacteria, L. casei Shirota, scientifically proven to reach the gut alive.

What does Yakult taste like?

Our taste experts say that each sip of Yakult Original, Yakult Balance and Yakult Plus delivers a delicious hit of a unique blend of silky citrus and vanilla flavours. It’s the perfect way to start your day! Try it and find out!  

What is the sediment at the bottom of the bottle?

It’s the natural settling of skimmed milk solids as a result of the production process. Just give the bottle a quick shake before opening.

What is the difference between Yakult Plus and Yakult Plus Peach?

Yakult Plus Peach is the new and improved Yakult Plus, now a delicious new peach flavour. Everything else remains the same. Yakult Plus Peach still contains 20 billion friendly L. casei Shirota bacteria that increase the bacteria in the gut. It’s rich in vitamin C, supporting the immune system and helping to lower fatigue, and contains fibre that feed the gut bacteria.

Where is Yakult produced?

Each little bottle of Yakult sold in Europe is manufactured in our factory in the Netherlands.

Is Yakult available worldwide?

Yakult products are available in over 40 countries and regions worldwide.

Can the bottles be recycled?

All Yakult bottles are recyclable, but you should check local council recycling codes. All our Yakult packs are now available in a recyclable cardboard pack. The little aluminium lids cannot be recycled.

What time of day should I drink Yakult?

You can drink Yakult at whatever time of day that suits you! Some people drink Yakult as part of their daily breakfast.

How much Yakult can I have in a day?

We suggest drinking one bottle of Yakult every day. However, it’s perfectly ok to drink more than one a day. Many people drink theirs at breakfast time as part of their daily routine, but it’s really up to you!

Why does Yakult contain sugar?

Each bottle of Yakult Original contains 8.8g of sugar, a bottle of Yakult Balance contains 2.9g and a bottle of Yakult Plus contains 2.7g of sugar. Sugar plays an important role in production with our unique bacteria using it as part of the fermentation process.

What does Vitamin E do?

Vitamin E is a vital nutrient that supports your immune system, helps to maintain healthy skin and eyes, and plays an important role in the formation of red blood cells. It also acts as an antioxidant – helping protect your cells against oxidative damage.

Does Yakult contain gluten?

No. Yakult Original, Yakult Light and Yakult Plus are gluten-free.

How many calories are there in Yakult Original, Yakult Balance and Yakult Plus?

Yakult Original contains 43kcals per serving, Yakult Balance contains 27kcals per serving and Yakult Plus contains 30kcals per serving.

Does Yakult contain any artificial colourings?

No. Yakult's colouring comes from the natural caramelisation of milk which occurs when it's heated during the production process.

Can I add or mix Yakult with other food?

Yes – Yakult can be added to cereals, smoothies, milkshakes and any other cold foods. We don't recommend adding it to hot foods and drinks, however, as the heat will kill some of the bacteria! Eek

What does Vitamin D do?

Vitamin D supports the maintenance of healthy bones, teeth and muscle function by helping the body effectively absorb calcium from your diet. It also regulates the amount of calcium and phosphate in the body. Getting enough vitamin D is also essential to keep your immune system running smoothly.

Does Yakult contain milk sugar (lactose)?

Yakult contains very little lactose (approximately 1g per bottle), so may be suitable for some lactose-intolerant individuals. You should ask your GP or healthcare professional if you have any concerns.

What is the fat content of Yakult?

Yakult Original, Yakult Balance and Yakult Plus are fat-free!

What's in a bottle of Yakult Balance?

Yakult Balance contains: water, skimmed milk (reconstituted), sweetener: maltitol syrup, glucose-fructose syrup, thickener: polydextrose, flavourings, sweetener: steviol glycosides, vitamin E, vitamin D and L. casei Shirota. For nutritional information click here  

Does Yakult contain any sweeteners or flavourings?

Yakult Original doesn't contain any sweeteners. Yakult Balance and Yakult Plus contains maltitol syrup and steviol glycosides, extracted from the leaves of the stevia plant. The flavours used in Yakult Original, Yakult Balance and Yakult Plus are citrus and vanilla. Yakult Balance and Yakult Plus also contains a yoghurt flavouring.

How much cholesterol is in Yakult?

Good news! Yakult doesn’t contain any cholesterol.

From what age can children drink Yakult?

Yakult is not formulated for young babies, and shouldn't be used to replace breast milk or infant formula. It can be introduced after they have started solid foods and are eating a varied diet. Children can drink Yakult as part of their normal diet.

Is Yakult suitable for vegetarians?

Yes, Yakult is suitable for vegetarians.

Is Yakult suitable for pets?

Some people like to give Yakult to their pets! We don't know of any reason why you couldn't but it's best to check with your vet.

Is Yakult suitable for people who are lactose-intolerant?

Yakult contains very little lactose (approximately 1g per bottle), so may be suitable for some lactose-intolerant individuals. You should ask your GP or healthcare professional if you have any concerns.

Is Yakult suitable for people on medication, other than antibiotics?

To our knowledge Yakult doesn't have any effect on medication. You should ask your GP or healthcare professional if you have any concerns.

Is Yakult suitable for people who are allergic to milk?

No, Yakult contains skimmed milk and therefore is not suitable for those with milk allergies or intolorances.

Is Yakult suitable for people taking antibiotics?

Yes, however, certain antibiotics can affect the survival of the bacteria (L. casei Shirota) within Yakult. We therefore recommend leaving at least two hours before and after taking antibiotics before drinking Yakult.

How often should I drink Yakult?

We suggest one bottle a day, however it's perfectly ok to drink more than one a day. Many people have theirs at breakfast time as part of their daily routine, but it's really up to you!

Is Yakult suitable for people with diabetes?

Yakult is suitable for people with diabetes when consumed as part of a balanced diet. Each bottle of Yakult Original (red top) contains 8.8g of sugar, Yakult Balance (blue top) contains 2.9g of sugar and Yakult Plus (green top) contains 2.7g of sugar. This should be considered within your total carbohydrate intake.

Is Yakult suitable for pregnant or breastfeeding mothers?

Yes, Yakult can be drunk as part of your normal diet while you are pregnant or breastfeeding. If you have any concerns please speak to your doctor or dietitian.

Is Yakult suitable for people who are gluten intolerant?

Yes, Yakult Original, Yakult Balance and Yakult Plus are all gluten-free.

Is Yakult suitable for people who are allergic to nuts?

Yes! Yakult doesn't contain nuts and is manufactured in a nut free enviornment.

If you would like to contact our Yakult office in the UK, please call us on 020 8842 7600, similarly our Irish office would be happy to speak with you on 1 890 946 221.

Discover more about the Little Bottle